Eyes on Brickell: Ptosis Treatment Miami

What is Ptosis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention


Ptosis is a condition where the upper eyelids sag, and it can affect anyone, including children. Sometimes, the droopiness is mild, but in severe cases, it can cover the eye and cause vision problems. Luckily, it’s treatable, and doctors can recommend surgery or an eye drop called Upneeq. The safest ptosis treatment is Upneeq eye drops. It’s an effective option that can lift the eyelids, so your eyes can open properly.

What is the Reason of Drooping Eye Lids?

There are many reasons why people are affected by blinking. The condition also affects many newborns, so get your baby’s eyelids checked. Older people are also affected by this condition. The muscles or ligaments that lift the eye sometimes become weak because of injury or disease. Often drooping is caused by damage to the nerves that control the muscles of the eyelid.

Generally, ptosis in adults occurs when there is a separation or stretching of the muscles that pull down the eyelid. Many people may have this condition due to the after effects of eye surgery, such as cataracts or injury. Other causes are diabetes, eye tumors, or neurological disorders such as myasthenia gravis, stroke, or Horner’s syndrome.

Sometimes people have drooping eyelids due to medical reasons such as stroke, muscle cancer, and even brain tumors. Neurological disorders can also affect the nerves or muscles of the eye, such as myasthenia gravis, which can cause ptosis.


A clear sign is a drooping eyelid. Water also comes in the eyes of many people. However, depending on how badly your eyelid is drooping, you may have difficulty seeing. Children with this condition may tilt their heads back or raise their eyebrows to try to see from under the eyelids.

The most affected area is around your eyes. You may experience pain, due to which you may look tired. The doctor will examine the blinking to determine if there is an underlying medical condition. This is important, as many people experience migraine headaches or other issues after noticing the droppings.

How is a Droopy Eyelid Diagnosed?

Your doctor will perform some physical examinations and will also ask about your medical history. Once you have explained to your doctor how often and for how long your eyelids droop and the duration, you will pass through tests to find the reason. Doctors might also perform a slit lamp exam to get a clear view of your eye with a high-intensity light.

Your doctor might also conduct a Tensilon test, which means the doctor might inject a drug known as Tensilon, also known as edrophonium, in the eyes and veins. While conducting the test, you are also asked to cross or uncross your legs or stand or sit down several times. It helps to find out if Tensilon is improving your muscle strength. The examining doctor can then determine whether a droopy eyelid is due to myasthenia gravis.


Though ptosis does not cause any medical issues, many people can face serious complications due to the condition.

A drooping eyelid can cause amblyopia (Loss of vision in that particular eye). People having drooping eyelids can feel low self-esteem or even alienation. It can have a psychological impact on teens and young children. Children with this condition can also suffer from headaches due to tension in their forehead muscles. Reduced vision can also impact daily activities while driving or climbing stairs.

Treatment of Ptosis

Its treatment depends on the functioning of the eyelid muscles. If ptosis is not impacting vision and the patient also does not care much about looks, doctors do not recommend any treatment. However, you can go for plastic surgery if you want to lift your eyelids.

However, if the ptosis starts creating problems and impacting vision, both require treatment. Which ptosis treatment you need depends on whether the condition is due to disease or aging. If the ptosis is due to aging, doctors generally prescribe surgery.

Eyelid surgery is known as Blepharoplasty. It involves tightening muscles that raise the eyelids. In many cases, a muscle known as the levator gets very weak. In that case, doctors conduct a sling operation, which makes your forehead muscles raise your eyes.

Some glasses can keep your eyelids up, it is called a ptosis clutch, yet another treatment option. Treatment is quite effective when the droopy eyelid is only temporary. If you cannot somehow go for surgery, doctors recommend glasses.

Ptosis Surgery

Ptosis surgery is performed under local anesthesia with sedation (the patient is awake but is not feeling the procedure). During surgery, the surgeon opens the skin of the upper eyelid, where the small muscle is located. Stitches are used by surgeons to tighten muscles in order to raise the eyelid. More stitches are used to close the incision. If the eyelid is flipped or the muscle is strengthened, no skin incision is necessary.

However, after surgery, people can experience side effects. Many people can have dry eyes, scratched cornea, and a hematoma.

Another alternative method is a sling operation, in which surgeons use forehead muscles to elevate the eyelids. Doctors still take care of the eye after surgery, so it is important for the patient to return to the doctor following surgery so that the results may be checked.

Sometimes, the eyelid might still droop a little bit or not close. If the doctor notices it, he/she might recommend additional treatment. However, the eyelid regains its normal position soon after the operation.

How Upneeq helps in Ptosis treatment?

Upneeq is a ptosis treatment without surgery and is used once daily for prescription eyedrop for acquired ptosis that helps lift your upper eyelids and open your eyes.

In many patients, Upneeq helped to lift eyelids in a single day. In clinical trials, Upneeq has proven to be safe and effective when used as directed. Many patients face side effects like eye redness, dry eye, blurred vision, eye irritation, pain, and even headache. However, it is your doctor who will prescribe Upneeq for you.

Eyes on Brickell offers cosmetic or surgical Eye Care Services. The Center offers eye surgery and Upneeq treatment under the care of the best doctors. If necessary, special tests are also conducted for diabetes, thyroid problem, etc. The center has highly experienced eye specialists, so talk to our doctor today as droopy eyelids can be a sign of a dangerous condition.

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