
Eyes on Brickell: Signs Your Child Needs an Eye Exam

Does Your Child Needs An Eye Exam? Here Are The Signs To Consider

With regards to your child’s health and their ability to thrive in school and beyond, the quality of their vision can be one of the most important aspects. Many children experience early childhood and even into their school years with undiscovered Eye Conditions that may negatively influence them. The issue...

Eyes on Brickell: Online Eyeglasses Vs. Ones From Your Eye Doctor

Online Eyeglasses vs. Eyeglasses Recommended by Your Eye Doctor

LYNCHBURG, Va. (WSET) — We all love a good bargain, but what about when it comes to your eyes? Many of you order your Prescription Eyeglasses through online discounters, but you may not end up saving the money you think you’re saving. Caryn Brown swears by her discount glasses. She...

Eyes on Brickell: Eye Exam Essentials: Must-Haves

5 Essential Things To Carry For Your Next Eye Exam

Eye care and Comprehensive Eye Exam are must for people of all ages. It will help improve eyesight and prevent eyes from major diseases like – Amblyopia, Myopia, Glaucoma, Cataract etc. No matter you have an eye problem or not, just go for a routine eye checkup for healthy eyes....

Eyes on Brickell: Benefits of Vision Insurance

Understanding Vision Insurance and Its Advantages

The cost of Comprehensive Eye Exams and prescription eyewear is increasing day-by-day.  It can be of real concern, especially for large families. It is important to understand that a vision insurance policy is entirely different from a health insurance policy. A regular health insurance plan is designed to protect you...

Eyes on Brickell: Knowing When You Need Glasses

When To Get Prescription Glasses

Many people suffer with vision problems and are simply unaware that prescription glasses, contact lenses or other treatments can easily correct them. This is often due to the fact that eye conditions tend to worsen slowly over time and may go unnoticed if you miss your regular eye exam. The...

Eyes on Brickell: Importance of Eye Exams for Diabetes

Why Regular Eye Exams Are Essential If You Have Diabetes

While regular eye exams are important for everyone, they are even more important for diabetics. This disease can have a profound affect on your eye health, even leading to permanent blindness, so it’s vital your eye doctor gives your eyes a comprehensive examination at least once a year to detect...

Eyes on Brickell: Child's First Eye Doctor Visit: Essential Guide

Everything You Need To Know About Your Child’s First Visit To The Eye Doctor

Regular comprehensive eye exams are key to maintaining your family’s eye health and recognizing eye conditions in their early stages. This is especially important for your child, so our optometrists have created this useful guide for parents about children’s eye exams. Why Are Children’s Eye Exams Important?  Eyes and sight...

Eyes on Brickell: Reasons Contact Lenses Are Popular

Seven Reasons Why Contact Lenses Are Such A Popular Vision Solution

Clearer vision – Contact lenses sit right against the surface of your eye, hugging the natural curvature. Due to this, they give you a wider field of view (better peripheral vision) and less of the visual distortion which is common when wearing eyeglasses.