Red Eyes

Eyes on Brickell: Valentine’s Day: Red Roses or Red Eyes

What Do You Prefer On Valentine’s Day: Red Roses or Red Eyes?

Valentine's Day is a special occasion celebrated by couples and lovers worldwide. The Day is about expressing love, warmth, and companionship. However, it is also an ideal time to show yourself some love and care. Instead of adhering to norms and traditions, you can indulge in self-care this Valentine's month...

Eyes on Brickell: Know About Dry Eyes

All About Dry Eyes- Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Dry eyes develop when tears evaporate quickly or when the eyes generate insufficient tears. The situation is quite common in humans and sometimes in animals also. It can affect one or both eyes, which can lead to inflammation. For the treatment of dry eye, we suggest visiting a Dry Eye...

Eyes on Brickell: Red Eyes: Causes & Remedies

Red-Bloodshot Eyes: Why It Happens & How To Treat It?

Red Bloodshot eyes are the most common eye problem that everyone faces once in a while. It indicates several health problems like – eye irritation and inflammation. It is usually painless and occurs when the blood vessels on the surface of your eye expand or dilate. Red Eyes itself is...

Eyes on Brickell: Enhance Eyesight Naturally

How To Improve Your Eyesight Naturally?

Many of us think that the only solution to improve eyesight is through artificial mediums such as wearing prescription glasses, Contact Lenses or through LASIK eye surgeries or medical remedies. What we do not know is that there are hundreds of natural ways that can help improve our eyesight...

Eyes on brickell: Macular Degeneration Service

Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Macular Degeneration

Ageing is something we cannot get rid of. However, it comes with a lot of advantages and disadvantages. For instance, as we age we gain more experience and become a little more savvy and wise. On the other hand, it brings along a lot of effects that completely change the...

Eyes on Brickell: Caring for Your Contact Lenses

How to Care for Your Contact Lenses?

Among eye doctors and technicians, sleeping in contact lenses and caring for them improperly is actually called “contact lens abuse.” And it turns out eye professionals can usually tell if you’re an abuser, no matter what you say at your eye exam, because your cornea (the outermost surface of your...