Eyes on Brickell: Know About Upneeq

What All Should You Know about Upneeq- Importance, Basics and Side Effects


Droopy eyelids might seem to be a little annoyance, but their impact on your everyday life and overall well-being can be far-reaching. Sagging lids may affect the way you feel, your emotional confidence, and even your ability to relish life’s basic joys.

Droopy eyelids have repercussions that go beyond physical discomfort. They can have an impact on your mental well-being and self-esteem, changing your perception of yourself. You may get self-conscious about your looks, particularly your tired-looking eyes. This self-consciousness may cause you to withdraw from social situations, fearful of being judged or receiving harsh comments.

Fortunately, Upneeq, an FDA-approved eye drop, can help you get rid of drooping eyelids. Even a single daily dose of these eye drops can help alleviate your sagging eyelids or ptosis. Upneeq may provide an average of 1 mm of lift to your upper eyelid after the first application.

While Upneeq is a breakthrough in non-surgical treatment for droopy eyelids, it’s important to be aware of potential Upneeq side effects. Some users may experience minor discomfort, such as dryness, irritation, or redness in the eyes. As with any medication, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if Upneeq is the right choice for you.

What are Droopy Eyelids (Blepharoptosis)?

The medical term for droopy eyelids is blepharoptosis. People with drooping eyelids feel tired, and their eyes appear smaller than normal. It also interferes with the function of the eyes. There are many reasons for droopy eyelids like genetics, ageing, eye surgery, and underlying medical conditions, Botox can also cause drooping eyelids as it travels to the eyelid muscles after being injected into the forehead.

What is the Reason for Having Drooping Eyelids?

There are two conditions for people getting droopy eyelids; congenital or acquired. The condition develops over time due to aging. Upneeq is not a solution for congenital droopy eyelids and might require corrective surgery. However, the use of Eye Drops can treat acquired blepharoptosis.

If you cannot understand the reason behind droopy eyelids, visit an ophthalmologist for an eye exam to detect any underlying medical condition. Serious cases like neurological or eye conditions can also cause eyelid ptosis, stroke or cerebral aneurysm, or other conditions.

Using UPNEEQ for Droopy Eyelids

Many patients opt for eyelid lift surgery to treat droopy eyelids due to cosmetic or medical reasons. Upneeq eye drops are a revolutionary solution to the problem; the first treatment now medical reactionaries prescribe to treat cases of droopy eyelids.

Upneeq is an eye drop that you should insert once a day or as prescribed by the doctor. It accounts for one drop per eye. Each single-use vial of Upneeq consists of a solution to treat one or both eyes at a time. For applying the eye drops, you should wash your hands first, avoid contamination and touch the dropper tip.

How to Use Upneeq?

  • Wash and dry your hands thoroughly when using the drops.
  • Remove your contact lenses for at least 15 minutes.
  • Instil one drop in the affected eye(s) once a day.
  • Use other medicines or eye drops at least 15 minutes or longer after you have applied Upneeq.

You should remove Contact Lenses before using eye drops, after you have poured eye drops, close your eyes for minutes. Keep your one finger pressed on the corona and gently apply pressure for 1 to 2 minutes. Avoid blinking or rubbing your eye. Do not repeat the same step for your second eye. Once you have used your daily dose of oxymetazoline, throw away the single-use container.

Each dose remains effective for at least 6 hours in clinical studies. Wait for several minutes before you start your work. Regularly use these eye drops to see the result or as prescribed.

How Effective is Upneeq?

A single drop of Upneeq gives patients a temporary eyelid of about 1 mm. It showed effectiveness in two 6-week trials followed by 304 patients having acquired blepharoptosis. The third study is conducted to establish that eye drop is safe.

The main ingredient in Upneeq, oxymetazoline hydrochloride, is found in decongestant nasal sprays like Afrin®. When you use the spray the blood vessels contract, and Upneeq operates to stimulate eyelid muscle contraction.

However, check the product before using it, as the liquid might have changed color or appeared cloudy. If you are taking a different medication like drops or ointments, you can wait for at least 15 minutes before adding Upneeq eye drops.

Upneeq Side Effects

Many people had minor adverse effects from Upneeq in prior clinical trials. According to a DailyMed, 2022 report, only 1-5% of study participants were affected. Participants reported dry eyes, impaired vision, and headache-like upneeq side effects. Thus, Upneeq has the potential to be a highly successful solution for droopy eyelids with low side effects that vary depending on a variety of conditions.

How Many Times Should You Use Upneeq Eye Drops?

Use Upneeq as prescribed at least one dose each day. Talk to your doctor about the usage of this drug, and follow the recommendations.

Can you get Rebound Redness after Using Upneeq?

Upneeq may cause rebound redness, which can also be caused by the use of particular eye drops or other over-the-counter products. Consult with your eye specialist if you find any redness or other symptoms while using Upneeq.

Treat Botox-Induced Ptosis with Upneeq Eye Drops

Yes, you can treat Botox-induced droopy eyelids to treat Upneeq, though the effects of the same are temporary. Botox wears off after 3-4 months, and the unwanted effects on the muscles wear offs even more quickly.

Visit Eyes on Brickell Today

Get more information about Upneeq eye drops at Eyes on Brickell, one of the Best Miami Eye Care Centers providing people with one-stop eye care solutions. Our optometrists utilize their 20+ years of experience in the industry to deliver high-quality eye care services in Southern Florida and beyond. In order to learn further about Upneeq or any other eye care solution you need, get in touch with us today. Make an appointment with Dr. Copty now for further help and guidance!

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