sports eye safety

Children's Eye Health - Eyes on Brickell

National Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month: Why August is the Best Time to Act?

As summer ends and back-to-school season begins, parents are busy with new backpacks and school supplies. But there's one important thing that often gets overlooked: your child's eye health. August, designated as National Children's Eye Health and Safety Month, serves as a timely reminder to prioritize this essential aspect of...

Eyes on Brickell: Sports-Related Eye Injuries

Play It Safe: Expert Tips For Preventing Sports-Related Eye Injuries!

April Is Sports Eye Safety Month! Did you know that approximately 30,000 Americans end up in the emergency room each year due to sports-related eye injuries? Basketball stands out for its high incidence of eye injuries, mainly due to the risk of finger pokes, resulting in approximately 6,000 cases each...