Cataract Surgery

Eyes on Brickell: Eye Health: 3 Signs of Cataracts

3 Top Signs You Might Have Eye Cataracts

Whether you’re reading a book, watching television, or driving a car, everything you see and watch in your daily life is because of the natural lens present in your eye. When you get older than 50 years, the protein inside your lens can clump together turning the lens from clear...

Eyes on Brickell: Cataracts: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

The Causes, Symptoms and Treatments of Cataracts

Cataract is the most common eye condition responsible for vision loss in people over 50 years of age. It can cause complete blindness if left untreated. If you are experiencing difficulty in reading, blurry vision, decreased night vision and trouble in identifying different colors, then there are chances that you...